Knit the Dog

[...because if I ever run out of yarn--- I can just knit the dogs.]

Friday, May 1, 2009

Pollen season

Vermont has mud season, some states have tourist season, we in NC have the pollen season. First red oaks, then white oaks and tulip poplars, and finally pine pollen, the heaviest of the bunch. Whatever color your car is, it's now yellow. So is your house, the sidewalk, and whatever part of your dog touches the ground outside. Your eyes water, your nose drips, and you keep a box of tissues in every room and two in the car. You automatically run the window washer every time you turn the key in the ignition. You become a frequent sudser at the car wash. Golden puffs of dust fly up when you sweep off the porch and deck, to get rid of the tangles of catkins from the oaks. It lasts about six weeks. Meanwhile, it's also truly beautiful outside, with leaves expanding into clouds of spring green, sunny days, things blooming everywhere and balmy temperatures. Welcome to spring in the south!

I saw an afghan on another blogger's site [Alaskan Purl] made of granny squares of Noro Kureyon. I had a pile of this in stash from a yarn sale, that I had been trying to make a vest from. This is a better idea, though, so I ripped what I had knitted and I have about five 11 inch squares done and plan to border it in a dark teal green. I think it will be really cool in the livingroom and best of all will use up the Noro, so I don't have to feel guilty about it.

About half done with the red cotton poncho for Cate--- need to finish it so I can add the Miffy embroidery and call it done. I just hope it fits.

We're headed for a week in Asheville, so I want to pack up good vacation knitting projects to take with---- things that don't take too much concentration. Looking forward to a break from my own cooking!!!!

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