Knit the Dog

[...because if I ever run out of yarn--- I can just knit the dogs.]

Saturday, October 25, 2008

If it's not one dog, it's another

Ah, life was chugging along so smoothly. We should have known something would happen. Jack dislocated his hip this morning in a really awful way. When we let the dogs out for business purposes, they generally propel themselves off the deck onto the grass at top speed so they can race around the dog forest looking for intruder squirrels. It rained during the night, and Jack must have slipped on take-off, and he fell with a thud and an unholy screech. We got him into the vet's as soon as they opened-- thankfully they're open Saturday mornings-- and the verdict was dislocated hip, torn ligaments, and the complication of both hips being arthritic (the dogs are almost ten.) So he is on crate rest for a few days, with his leg in a sort of sling, and after that strict confinement and no exertion for several weeks. If he manages to heal, he'll be OK as long as he never jumps, runs, or falls again. If it won't heal, we're looking at hip surgery. Either way, he is now a geriatric dog who will get regular joint supplements and pain meds. Just yesterday, he was running freely in the yard and trotting off on daily long walks.
Rosie isn't sure what to make of it.

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